The storm on friday hit our coastline with a lot of force, so we have some damaged defences which means its been a busy week with the build up prep and the post storm actions/ works.
But tonight I got the chance to spend some time in the spare room crafting, first off Tom's birthday card for Thursday (that will appear here once the birthday boy has received it).
Once that was done it was onto the SAB Banner kit I'd been wanting to create.
I'd decided it would go into our spare room (which also has the craft stash in) so I wanted a sleep/ welcoming phrase but with only 9 banners in the kit the words used took a while.
I started with 'Good Night' but with the mix banner sizes and some larger letters that didn't work out... other phrases I came up with had 10 letters ... so asked Tom for a 9 letter phrase for the bedroom... he suggested 'Sleep well' which was close to some of phrases I had!
Some sponging with Pear Pizazz, Pool Party and Wisteria Wonder later and the banner was done, all pretty quickly! The letters are from the Banner Kit in the Autumn/ Winter catalogue (which will eventually get made into a banner for my neice and nephew's bedroom once I get the chance to sit down with my sister to make it up in colours the kids like/ go with their room).
Ta - Dah its up! Other than needing to swap the green e's around so I don't have two pointy banners next to each other! But its bedtime so that will get re-threaded later in the week when I get the time. But hopefully its the start of making the room a little more welcoming!
Really nice idea. Love the colours. Sue